


start smart, finish on top: give your brand the edge.


better thinking, better results

In an impatient world with ever shortening attention spans, it’s easy to fire first and aim later.
rbb’s award-winning craftspeople make sure you get the fastest start by applying data-driven stakeholder/market insights before the trigger gets pulled.
And we don’t stop there.
With our ears to the ground and our fingers on the technological pulse of the world, we optimize as we go to ultimately ensure the end results achieve and beat the goal.


when you know, you know

When it comes to insights, there’s no end to the ways we get substance and data to inform our decisions. From customized research to listening tools to in-depth analysis of competitors, rbb counselors are eager to dive in and dive deep into your world. And we take you along with us. Our real-time custom results dashboards offer flexibility for every type of marketer, whether it’s the digital analyst or the CEO looking for the big picture. How many ways can we measure success? Ask to see our big book of results and meet our director of results measurement.


rbb Brand Footprint Strategy Session

What’s the imprint your brand leaves behind? rbb’s proprietary Brand Footprint process allows you to decide how to leave your mark on audiences.

First, we collect insights. No worries if you don’t have a nice binder of leadership surveys, brand research, competitor audits and audience data. We can build it for you.

Second, we grade your communications arsenal and compare it to your competition as well as stakeholder expectations.

Third, our counselors present recommendations in a working session with your leadership to reach consensus.

The end result is your communications roadmap, a blueprint that not only communications, but operations can follow so the entire organization speaks with one voice.

Oh, and we do it all in about 90 days.


digital audit

Listening to and reliably delivering what’s important to your target audience is the key to meeting your bottom line goals. rbb’s digital craftspeople uncover what type of content marketing to create, what social media platforms to use and how to identify targeted audiences.

We don’t just stop with the insights, we deliver the next steps to increase reach, cultivate lasting relationships, and generate leads.


sentiment analysis

Ever wonder what audiences truly think of your brand? Our sentiment research helps you learn the emotional tone behind your brand name and gain an understanding of the words, attributes, opinions and emotions surrounding your digital footprint to help you better guide your market research, customer service and overall customer experience.