Stephanie Schwartz|Dec 5, 2014

Working in the public relations field means constantly communicating – whether with existing clients, media, co-workers or potential clients. How can we make that communication most effective? Believe it or not, simply the timing of your approach could be a big driver of the ultimate success or failure of reaching your target. Below are a few tips on choosing the perfect time to make your move.

Best time to pitch

Most journalists say the best time to receive pitches is in the morning hours before they have to start working on the day’s stories, and way before afternoon deadlines. Also, to avoid reporters missing your emails on manic Mondays, hold off on pitching materials until Tuesday morning, if it can wait.

Best time to tweet

Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends, and Wednesday and Thursday are the days with the lowest engagement. Also, the most Twitter interaction takes place in the afternoon rather than in the morning, as people often check Twitter on their lunch breaks and on their commutes home on the bus, subway, train etc.

Thinking about signing off at 6 p.m.? Think again. Data published by Fast Company suggests 8 p.m. -12 a.m. gets the highest opens and clicks.

Best time to write a press release

The conventional wisdom is to get your hardest assignments done in the morning when you are fresh, and often times writing can be a difficult and draining task. Creative activity is highest immediately after sleep, so it is wise to start writing first thing when you get to the office… after you get your cup of coffee, of course.

Best time to distribute a press release

The most popular days to distribute press releases are Monday and Tuesdays, so to avoid your news getting buried by other news, try distributing your release on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. To avoid the clutter, it is also smart to hold off on distributing your release until 10 a.m. or later because 8 – 9 a.m. is when most news releases are published.

Best time for your third cup of coffee

PR is a fast-paced industry and, in order for many of us to keep up, coffee is a must. But when is the best time to drink it? Around 3 p.m. is one of the times when your body slows in naturally caffeinating itself, so it is a great time to grab your second or third cup of coffee to get you through the rest of the day.

Best time to send emails

Because most messages are coming into inboxes in the morning, emails coming through in the afternoon have more of a chance of being noticed and read. A study found that email openings increased after 12 p.m., with the most active period being between 2 – 5 p.m.

Best time for a blog post

While most blog posts are published during work hours, one study shows social shares were highest for posts published between 9 p.m. and midnight. And although most posts are published during the work week, social shares and engagement of blog posts seem to be highest on the weekends. So don’t rule out the options to post late night and weekend blogs.

Best times to hold a media event

Whether you are planning a local or national event, it is important to research the date options in order to minimize conflicts that could take media attention elsewhere. If possible, try to avoid planning events on the weekend because media have less staff reporting. But on a slow news day, weekend crews are desperate for news so try making a contact and feeling them out. Morning events after 9 a.m. (after the media’s morning planning meetings) are usually better for media due to deadlines, and avoid planning the event during the broadcast news hours.

Best time to take a mental break and stop checking emails!

As PR people we are constantly glued to our computers and smartphones but, in order to be more productive, it is important we take periodic, mental breaks. Take a few minutes in the afternoon to recharge. This could include a walk around the office, listening to music, reading in another room or doing some jumping jacks. Do whatever works for you to be able to unplug in the afternoon if you feel burnt out, so that you can improve your efficiency, creativity and focus.

Public relations can be challenging, but these time tips can help lead you to success!


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