Snapchat is breaking into the mainstream as its crowd matures. Specifically, 38 percent of smartphone users between the ages of 25 and 34 are now on Snapchat, and 14 percent of smartphone users ages 35+ are also using the service, or at least have downloaded the app – a hefty increase from only 5 and 2 percent respectively just three years ago (comScore).
I’ve seen the audience blossom firsthand when it tapped me on the shoulder in the sauna of my local LA Fitness – despite the sweltering heat, atowel-cladgal requested a quick tutorial on the app and how to get those “fun filters” on her photos. Go forth and conquer my new friend!
Despite the seeming “un-coolness” these newbie adults may bring to the 69% of smartphone users ages 18-24 that are on the app, the impressive growth among different age groups is a clear indicator of Snapchat’s longevity and potential to reach critical mass. With an approx. 150 million daily active user base currently, the company expects revenue to reach as much as $300 million in 2016, up from $60 million last year (The Wall Street Journal).
Since rolling out its advertising last year, Snapchat has continued to incorporate more targeting. Advertisers can choose from targeting options including gender, age, mobile device type, location and context. No longer strictly primetime for reaching young millennials, the app’s increased age diversity can be harnessed by brands to engage more consumers in new ways.
By allowing marketers to broadcast information directly to consumers, Snapchat offers a cost-effective opportunity to stay relevant and top of mind over older forms of advertising. Businesses have let the platform work for them successfully in many creative ways, like launching promotional deals and coupons exclusive to Snapchatters, sharing behind-the-scenes footage and sneak previews, offering freebies and contests, and sparking social conversations on their products.
As with any social platform or marketing strategy however, beware the fit. Know your target goals and consumer demographics, especially for B2B brands and those tailored towards older generations that are still embracing the app. Above all, consider the ways you can maximize customer engagement and measure it in meaningful ways, such as creating unique promo codes and hashtags that you can track through other outlets.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on Snapchat as one to keep watching. Comment below. You can also contact us and speak to our Digital Park team to learn how Snapchat can be used by your brand today.