Today, rbb got married. After a long friendship and then a fairly brief courtship, we made it legal and acquired Haber & Quinn Public Relations & Marketing, a Fort Lauderdale based agency specializing in the marine and healthcare industries. John Quinn and Geri Haber have been friends of the firm for quite some time – a really long time. Geri was one of the first faces I saw when I came to work at Bruce Rubin Associates 20 years ago. Yes, she was only 12 at the time. John came down from New York a few years later and we’ve stayed in touch for 17 years. The wedding was an informal affair and witnessed by staff from both sides. The rbb family has now grown to include Mary, Emily and Lon and of course a slew of great clients. Everyone is getting along and I’m glad to say our blended family is just one big happy Brady Bunch.
So why did we tie the knot? The usual, we respected each other, were friends first and thought we could face the world stronger together. It was no secret we’d been looking to grow and expand our offerings to clients. As a marketing and public relations firm, the addition of Haber & Quinn’s expertise enhances rbb’s offerings in a number of practice areas, especially healthcare PR. We now have an even stronger agency with additional resources and creative assets. So welcome to Casa rbb Haber & Quinn – we look forward to many anniversaries together. (I can’t wait for the fifth anniversary – wood – maybe you can give us one of those great yachts you work with!)