Rafael Sangiovanni|Sep 28, 2011

The word on the street is that Google is readying their social network, Google Plus, for business profiles à la Facebook fan pages. The timing couldn’t be better. Now that Google Plus has been opened to the public, it has an estimated 50 million members, although most are still early adopters.

So, how will business profiles work? Official details are scant, but you can get a taste of it by looking at Ford’s test page. In addition, PR Daily reports that you can expect “highly indexable” content, customized editorial content with Circles and some version of a hashtag. Still, it’s unclear how Google will promote business profiles, whether pages will have customizable URLs or whether Google Ads will be brought into the mix.

If things go according to schedule, we’ll know the answers soon. In the meantime, we can speculate the impact Google Plus business profiles will have on brands.

For this week’s question, we’re asking you: Will you bring your company on board when Google Plus business profiles launch? How do you anticipate it will factor in to your overall marketing strategy?


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