Jun 9, 2020

We may not yet be fully stocked on toilet paper, but the country is quickly moving toward easing home restrictions and re-opening business in various ways and in various places.

What this means in practical terms has much to do with where you live and what business you are in. However, one thing is clear: how fast you can engage and how efficient you are at re-opening could make the difference between success and failure.

Recognizing this, rbb Communications created its READY, SET, GO Communications Roadmap.  The three-phase program supports C-suite leaders at each stage of the return-to-business process, ensuring communication readiness, consistency, and effectiveness while helping avoid potential pitfalls along the way.

Virtually every organization will emerge from the pandemic with new corporate policies, new concerns from employees, and new challenges in meeting customer expectations. There will be winners and losers. Companies will gain or lose trust based on their skill in communicating to stakeholders.

For example, if you are considering a phased approach for employees to return to the workplace, how will that impact morale for both groups – those at home and those in the office? Are you prepared to respond to employees who may not be ready to come back into the office anytime soon? How much information are you willing to share with employees, customers, guests or others about the steps you are taking to keep your workplace virus-free?

There will be questions. Lots of them.

It’s also important to consider who says what and when. Many CEOs jumped in at the start of the crisis to provide assurances to internal and external audiences (see our research on how powerful that was here.) Whether the CEO remains front and center going forward is a strategic decision that has many impacts.

Having a clear communications roadmap can make the difference between an organization that struggles with recovery and one that is ready to soar right out of the gate.

We’re in the business of helping companies soar. Give us a call and let us show you how.